IBM has communicated that ISV-interface support is available as well, but this technology-extension requires significant ISV R&D effort. Benchmark performance-improvement results with native IBM DFSORT SORT execution, where compatibility is exploited, have demonstrated up to 50% CPU-time reduction and also some improved elapsed time. We are interested to see SAS z/OS 9.4 provide technology support for new-function added with IBM z15 Integrated Accelerator for Z Sort (new SORT LISTS / SORTL instruction.) Please click LIKE / VOTE-UP for this ballot item, or contact your SAS sales or product manager directly to voice your enterprise's interest with adding ISV-interface support for Z Sort functionality, new with the IBM z15. Fixing this anomaly will get more people to love VA.even more. It makes life too hard for a new starter and just puts them off. The workarounds and wasted effort currently required to simply change the data source used by a given object, say a Cross Tab within a Report, is just another reason for people to avoid using SAS Visual Analytics. The user can then choose the individual objects that they want the data source change to apply to, or they can choose a Select All option, which is what they get at present. I propose that when a user invokes the Change Data Source facility, a dialog box is presented to the user that lists all objects in the current report and, alongside each object, its data source. I think that the Change Data Source facility should be amended so that it can be applied to individual objects within a Report, not just the entire Report. Currently the Change Data Source facility in SAS Visual Analytics affects all objects using that Data Source in a given Report.